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Lemurian Warrior

  /  Lemurian Warrior

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Sobre O Lançamento

Lemurian Warrior é a nossa composição, que conta a história de um antigo amor do continente Lemuriano, cuja força de expressão atravessou os séculos!

Artista: Sylvestra Bianchi
Selo: Independente
Data De Lançamento: 30/04/2018
Gênero: Rock Cósmico
Editora: Independente


Lemurian Warrior

In that tribe
You were the best and strongest warrior
From another plan
We’ve made a promise to meet again
In lemuria
I was your wife with a greater light
Dedicating to one another
The love we carry in our hearts

We came to complement our mission now
We came to complement our mission now, wow
Any empty space that the other has
So each one can give
What each one needs
And live in brighter love again

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